Arts Club Membership

Membership to Narrow Bridge is now available.

To become a member, come to a potluck or tea time LISTED ON THE CALENDAR

How to get Started?

Come to potluck dinner and learn about Narrow Bridge.

Membership | What do you get?

Membership is $65 a month and provides access 9am-9pm 7 days. The fun news is that the first 2 months of membership are $35! You join a community of creative makers and membership includes:

  | Access to tools | Shared Making Spaces | Member led Talks and Workshops | Internet |

| Participation in a Carbon Neutral Space | Up-Cycled Materials |

You can opt into:

| Storage Cubby |

What do you give?

Narrow Bridge is an all volunteer run organization. Membership includes giving back to the space with a minimum of 3 volunteer hours a month.

Full membership guide is available here.

Day passes available $15 a day